Monday, 20 September 2010

Lieutenant Price by Dan Atlee

Lieutenant Price is intrdoduced in the book when Jim ventures back to Langhua camp after leaving the stadium in Shanghai. He comes across as a very violent, even possessed man. he screams at Mr Tulloch to 'Lock those gates...Throw him Out!' and even though Tulloch knows Jim, he insists that he 'Get rid of him!' most of Prices sentences contain exclaimation points, which suggests that he is a very desperate man, and always wanted to be heard and possibly in charge. he implies that the chinese peasants are stealing from him, when he says 'Tulloch...They're stealing our spam!' this again shows that he is desparate, and will do almost anything to get what he wants and to survive in Japanese territory.
Ballard sums price up a few good sentences. 'Price slammed the gate in thier faces. Everything around him, the camp, the empty paddy fields, even the sun, seemed to anger him' Price seems to use his anger to his advantage, which helps to push him on in the short time that he is in the story, before he is shot at the stadium while attempting to steal fur coats.

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